MongoDB Cheatsheet This is a simple reference so I can remember commands and syntax as I infrequently use MongoDB. Mongo commandsshow dbs use <db> show tables db.<collection>.find() # Drop a MongoDB database use <db name> db.dropDatabase() Manipulating collectionsdb.<collection>.update({'title':'MongoDB Overview'}, {$set:{'title':'New MongoDB Tutorial'}},{multi:true}) db.<collection>.deleteMany({}) # deletes all docs in collection db.<collection>.deleteOne() db.<collection>.update( { }, # all records in the collection { $set: { userId: null } }, # set the userId field { multi: true } # allows update of more than one document ) Query syntaxQuery Selectors Query Embedded Documents# Filter by date: greater than { "date": { $gte: new ISODate("2020-05-02") } } # Embedded document using dot notation query { "person.age": { 30 } } # Querying an ObjectId requires using the function { "user.userId": ObjectId('6243c5656cc0146e52e75383') }